Stamen Grigorov – The Man Who Brought Us Yogurt

Do you love Yogurts? It is many people’s favorite one and used in several recipes. It can be high in protein, calcium, vitamins, living culture, or probiotics, all of which can help improve gut flora. It can offer tooth and bone protection and supports in the prevention of digestive issues. You can have the low-fat yogurt which is a good source of protein. But who discovered the yogurt? 

Stamen Grigorov is the one who found the bacteria and titled it yogurt. Let's discuss their deep knowledge of Stamen Grigorov and his discoveries:

Stamen Grigorov

Who was Stamen Grigorov? 

Now it is the 142nd birthday of Dr. Stamen Grigorov, who was born on October 27, 1878. But, at age 67, he died on his birthday in 1945. According to Google's blog, Grigorov grew up in the village of Studen Izvor in the Trun area of western Bulgaria. The blog describes how he has been interested in science since he was a child. 

According to Google, Stamen Grigorov completed his natural sciences education in Montpellier, France, before starting a doctorate in medical science at the Medical University of Geneva in Switzerland. Grigorov discovered the bacillus strain that enables milk to ferment into natural yogurt when he was 27 years old in 1905.

What did yogurt look like before it was discovered?

Before Stamen Grigorov discovered lactobacillus bulgaricus, some scientists were writing studies on the longevity of such yogurt. People outside of Europe and the Middle East were unfamiliar with the term yogurt. Because Stamen Grigorov, along with other scientists, played a key role in giving scientific support for Bulgarian yogurt, the introduction of yogurt swept the rest of Europe off their feet.

Lactobacillus Bulgaricus is discovered

In 1905, a young newlywed Stamen Grigorov worked in Professor Leon Massol's microbiological laboratory. He determined that a certain strain of bacteria was responsible for the famed delicacy after examining a slide of yogurt under a microscope. Soon after, a state-owned firm acquired ownership of the bacteria, which was then patented. The company pushed a bacteria strain blend billed as Bulgarian official yogurt. It is exported to various countries worldwide, bringing in a large amount of revenue for the government.

The legacy of Dr. Stamen Grigorov

Until his death in 1945, Grigorov spent the remainder of his life completing his studies and working as a doctor, saving thousands of lives. In 2007, his hometown of Studen Izvor created The Museum of Yogurt in his honor, which houses records and information about Grigorov's life. On the 110th anniversary of the discovery, the town organized a yogurt festival, with inhabitants presenting handmade yogurt and cheese. Meanwhile, the Bulgarian doctor's name has been given to a glacier in Antarctica. The Grigorov Glacier, according to the Australian government website, was identified in 2010 and is 1.8 kilometers long and 1.3 kilometers wide. It is located on the south shore of the Albena Peninsula on Brabant Island in the Palmer Archipelago.

Bottom line: 

Finally, the essential details of Stamen Grigorov and his discovery of yogurt are explained above. Recently, Google also paid tribute to the late microbiologist, and people worldwide will recall him every time they eat yogurt. As long as you use yogurt, say thanks to him. 


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